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October 27, 2010
Release of the S-3000 and the S-6000

We're happy to officially announce the next iteration of Generation 3 Casablanca Editors.  Based on open source Linux, the team in Germany has made great strides in software development.  And now, for the first time ever, machines are built from the board level in-house.

We're planning on a mid to late November release, as we're currently in software test mode.

Click Here for more information on these units.

Here's pricing for the new machines:

S-3000:  $2199.00

Blu-ray upgrade - $269.00

ProPack Special - $299.00
         * when purchased with unit.

S-6000:  $3999.00

October 20, 2010
Casablanca Foolproof Volumes 4 & 5 now available.

Casablanca Expert Chet Davis' Foolproof Tutorial DVD Volumes 4 & 5 are now available for sale through MSUS and all of our Authorized Dealers. 

FOOLPROOF4 =  Retail 30.00
Casablanca Foolproof, Volume 4:
Photo Studio 2 Intensive - Chet Davis provides an intensive tutorial on the features of the Casablanca Photo Studio 2 software.

FOOLPROOF5 =  Retail 30.00
Casablanca Foolproof, Volume 5: 
Columbus 2 & 3 Intensive: Animating Travel Maps Chet Davis provides an intensive tutorial on the Casablanca Columbus - map & travel animation software.

Full details can be found here.


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