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Foolproof Tutorials from The Casablanca Expert.

Detailed tutorials on DVD by the Casablanca Expert to help you learn specific Casablanca software & operations.

Casablanca Foolproof, Volume 1: Smart Edit 8/Bogart 2 - This 3-disk set covers the entire Smart Edit 8/Bogart 2 Operating System for the Casablanca, pointing out not only the new features but also tips for both the new user and veteran alike. Also includes addendum dvd for Bogart 3/SmartEdit 9.

Casablanca Foolproof, Volume 2: DVD Arabesk 4 - Join Casablanca Expert Chet Davis as he teaches the powerful options in DVD Arabesk 4.

Casablanca Foolproof Volume 3: Understanding the Media Manager - Chet Davis takes you through the intricacies of the new Casablanca Media Manager.

Casablanca Foolproof Volume 4: Photo Studio 2 Intensive - Chet Davis provides an intensive tutorial on the features of the Casablanca Photo Studio 2 software.

Casablanca Foolproof Volume 5: Columbus 2 & 3 Intensive - Chet Davis provides an intensive tutorial on the Casablanca Columbus - map & travel animation software.

Casablanca Foolproof Volume 6: Title Studio Intensive - Chet Davis guides you through the capabilities of the Casablanca Title Studio software.

Casablanca Foolproof Volume 7: Candy Factory Intensive - Chet Davis walks you through the many settings in the powerful Casablanca Candy Factory software.

Casablanca Foolproof Volume 8: Bogart 4 Intensive - This 6 disk set with more than 10 hours of instruction - Casablanca Expert Chet Davis takes you through every button in the Casablanca Bogart 4 Operating System. NOW INCLUDES VOLUME 12.

Casablanca Foolproof Volume 9: What's New in Bogart 4 - In this double-DVD package Casablanca Expert Chet Davis takes you through the new features and functions found in the Casablanca Bogart Version 4 Operating System.

Casablanca Foolproof Bogart 4 & The Kitchen Sink: The Bogart V4 Tutorial DVD Bundle is a collection of the Casablanca Expert's helpful tutorial DVDs that will help you fully understand the power and efficiency in your Casablanca Bogart Video Editor. This package is ideal for the person who is either new to the Casablanca video editing platform... or even for someone who has been using their Casablanca for awhile and has made the transition to the Bogart OS platform. NOW INCLUDES VOLUME 12.

NEW - Casablanca Foolproof Volume 11: Eye Candy - Volume One - Chet Davis has unleashed a collection of short video tutorials to help you create some really cool looking video effects. In these DVD lessons Chet provides clear and detailed instruction on 17 different effects you can create in your Casablanca.

NEW - Casablanca Foolproof Volume 12: Success with Bogart V5 - 2-DVD set that contains 15 different sections with some 3 hours of instruction. This learning resource is ideally suited for those colleagues who have or will soon upgrade to the Bogart V5 Operating System.

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