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Store'n'Share - BOGART ONLY

Store'n'Share allows you to use an externally connected hard drive with Bogart SE v3 as an alternative to the internal hard drive.

The Store'n'Share software can save your projects directly to the external hard drive.


If you record a project to an external hard drive you can then also connect it to other Bogart systems, provided Casablanca Bogart Store'n'Share is activated, and edit the project as if it were on the original machine - if on both systems the effects used in the project are also active.

In conjunction with HD backup you can also use the external hard drive to back up your internal hard drive.

Saved projects can also be re-activated at a later date as a working project.

Click Here for Store 'n' Share Setup Guide and User Notes.

Minimum Requirements:
Bogart SE v3.2c

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