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Software Installation Questions


My system keeps telling me my license code is wrong. What can I do?
How do I install Add-on software packages?
How do I Update my System Software using a Smartmedia card?
How do I perform a full Installation of my System Software with a boot CD? (Claro, Renommee, Solitaire Plus)
How do I do an update or full install of Bogart system software on my "S" model?
How do I perform a full Installation of my System Software using a Smartmedia card?
How do I preview Software packages in DEMO mode?
How do I update my System Software using a SmartEdit CD? (Avio, Kron, Prestige, Solitaire)
How do I perform a full Installation of my System Software using a SmartEdit CD? (Avio, Kron, Prestige, Solitaire)
How do I update my System Software with a boot CD? (Claro, Renommee, Solitaire Plus)

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