MacroSystem US Hires Philip Bice as
Vice President of Sales and Marketing
Seasoned Sales Executive to lead North
and South American Sales and Marketing
CO, Feb 19, 2010 - MacroSystem US (, distributor of the
world's premier video editing appliance, announces the hire of Philip Bice to
the position of Vice President of Sales and Marketing on January 1st 2010,
helping to ensure MacroSystem's profitable growth in North and South America. Bice
will have responsibility for all pro-active customer facing activities
including marketing initiatives, sales efforts, and supporting the dealer
joining MacroSystem US, Bice led sales and marketing efforts at several
software manufactures helping to define a tiered customer-centric sales and
marketing process, bringing product development more inline with customer
needs, establishing collaborative marketing efforts with partners, and
enhancing the customer experience.
Bice, MacroSystem US's Vice President of Sales and Marketing, said,
"MacroSystem US clearly makes a product that is far superior to it competitors
in many ways. I'm excited to be a part of this incredible team and looking
forward to continuing our superior customer service, delivering relevant
product to our customers, and supporting our dealers with a program unmatched
in the industry."
About MacroSystem US
in 1996, MacroSystem US ( distributes MacroSystem
video editing products to North and South America. MacroSystem US's superior
customer support, passionate dealer network, and co-op marketing programs have
helped to create one of the loyal and passionate user bases seen in the AV
industry today. It's dedicated editing appliance facilitate a workflow designed
around efficiency and speed, and in many instances allow users to produce
product 2-3 times faster than the competition - translating to more profit and
revenue for the Videographer or Production Company.